SBCC Monthly Lecture: Kintsugi Pottery & Rediscovering Joy

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Date: Mar 18 , 2025
Time: 6:00 pm

What is Kintsugi pottery?  Come and learn from Alex Welsh as she describes Kintsugi, the ancient Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold.  Rather than hiding brokenness, Kintsugi enhances each break, making the piece stronger and more beautiful than before.  Alex’s talk will be given on March 18 at the Solana Beach Library’s Cove Auditorium, located at 157 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach, CA 92075.  .  The talk starts at 6:00 PM.

“Learning to repair broken ceramics with Kintsugi is a perfect metaphor for our lives”, explains Ms. Welsh.  “We are all broken and flawed in some way, but the practice of Kintsugi teaches us not to hide our scars.  Although a vase or cup may be in pieces, once it’s mended with Kintsugi, it becomes stronger and more beautiful than before.” The same principle can be applied to a life that is broken.  The practice of restoring broken pottery with Kintsugi can help one to see a fresh perspective in dealing with grief and loss. 

Currently Alex is a volunteer with the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP) of Southern Nevada, a national, nonprofit organization.  TIP volunteers are dispatched by first responders to arrive on scene and provide emotional support and resources to survivors of trauma.  Recently she was a guest presenter at “Empowering Joy”, an all-day seminar for women and their children who have escaped domestic violence and abuse.  She focused her presentation on emotional survival after trauma and reclaiming personal power.  She had led numerous seminars in Women’s Leadership, Personal Development, and taught ESL in Tokyo, Japan.  Alex Walsh is a graduate of The Ohio State University with degrees in Psychology and Education. 

Experience the joy and empowerment of this workshop and receive pointers about restoring ceramics and rebuilding one’s life!  This event is co-sponsored by Solana Beach Community Connections (SBCC) and Friends of the Solana Beach Library.  It’s FREE and open to the public.