City Manager SP


The City Manager is appointed by the City Council to organize and administer all City departments to achieve the Council goals, policies and programs, and is also charged with enforcing all applicable Federal laws, State laws and municipal ordinances.

 The functions within the City Manager's Office include: 

  • Capital Improvement Administration
  • Environmental Sustainability and Shoreline Policies
  • Grants, Budget and Administration
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Legislative Analysis
  • Public Safety functions (Fire Department, Marine Safety, and Code Enforcement)      
  • Recreation Programs, Public Art Programs and Park Development
  • Redevelopment Projects
  • Special Event Coordination and Special Projects

City Manager Employment Agreement                

City Manager Salary Schedule 

City of Solana Beach Work Plan

A City Council Work Plan is developed and adopted by the City Council on an annual basis.  The City Manager is expected to manage City Staff and financial resources to effectuate the policy priorities Council identifies.

The four overarching Council priorities are as follows:

  1. Community Character 
  2. Organizational Effectiveness
  3. Environmental Sustainability 
  4. Fiscal Sustainability
Click the image to view.
Affordable Housing Covenants

The following content is posted in accordance with AB 987.

Street Address Parcel Number Bedrooms Certificate Convenant Recordation
403 N. Cedros 263-062-32 3 6/28/05 5/27/05
405 N. Cedros 263-062-32 2 6/28/05 5/27/05
407 N. Cedros 263-062-32 2 6/28/05 5/27/05

Enforcable Obligation Payment Schedule

Amended Enforceable Obligation Payments

Second Amended Enforceable Obligation Payments as of January 1, 2012

Third Amended Payment Schedule as of January 25, 2012




    City Manager

    City Manager Alyssa Muto

    Alyssa Muto
    (858) 720-2431

    Amy Williams

    Executive Assistant to the City Manager (858) 720-2431