Recycling this Holiday Season

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Date: Oct 25 , 2023

The holidays are quickly approaching! Before you know it your house will be filled with holiday cheer, guests, and lots of items that can be recycled instead of going into the landfill! Knowing the most environmentally beneficial ways to dispose of everyday holiday products is essential.

Blue Recycling Cart: Items such as wrapping paper (no metallic paper), cardboard and paper gift boxes (reuse when possible), glass bottles, hard plastic bottles, cartons, pie tins, and greeting cards (paper only) can all go into your blue recycling cart.

Green Organics Cart: Items such as pumpkins, turkey bones, fruit cake, poinsettia’s, food scraps, soiled-paper products such as paper bags, paper napkins, paper towels, paper plates, paper cups, paper and cardboard takeout containers and takeout boxes (with no plastic or wax coating, and with any metal removed), and coffee filters can all go into your green organics cart.

Grey Trash Cart: Please remember to toss items such as foil wrapping, foil bows and ribbons, broken ornaments, and Styrofoam peanuts into your grey trash cart.


View EDCO's Environmental Times Newsletter for more information!