Home Organics Recycling Reminder

Recycling of organic waste is the next step to achieving California’s Zero Waste goals and together we can be a part of the solution. In addition to food scraps and landscape waste, food-soiled cardboard and paper products are also acceptable to place into your green organics cart. Paper bags, paper napkins, paper towels, paper plates, paper cups, paper and cardboard takeout containers and takeout boxes (with no plastic or wax coating, and with all metal removed), coffee filters, soiled pizza boxes, tissues and newspaper are all paper products that can be used to wrap or hold your food scraps in before placing them in your green organics cart.
Please do not use any kind of plastic bags(including certified compostable or biodegradable bags) for any type of green waste, food waste or other organics collection or disposal, as they contaminate the compost! Also, please do not put rocks, dirt or pet waste in the green cart.
For more information, check out EDCO's Recycling page.