Help Shape the Future of Safe Streets & Active Transportation with SANDAG

Our streets should be safe for everyone. That’s why SANDAG is committed to ending all traffic fatalities and severe injuries while creating safer, healthy, convenient, and equitable mobility options for all. Your feedback is needed to help SANDAG plan for safer streets.
SANDAG is developing a Vision Zero Action Plan to make our streets safer for everyone. This action plan will identify where injuries and fatalities are happening in our region and recommend proven roadway safety solutions to make our roads safer whether you drive, walk, roll, or bike.
At the same time, SANDAG is updating the Regional Active Transportation Plan to improve and expand the network of connected bikeways and walkways that help make walking, biking, rolling, and riding a safe and practical travel option for people of all ages and abilities.
Your comments will help shape both of these plans. Visit to share your thoughts and experiences. You don’t need to create an account and it’s completely anonymous.
- Is there a particular street that you would like to bike or walk on, but you don’t currently feel safe?
- Where have you recently experienced a close call on the road while driving, walking, rolling, or biking?
- Are there destinations in the region that would benefit from a new or improved biking connection?
The survey and map activity on the website will be open through January 10, 2024. We look forward to hearing from you!
Read the Press Release about the Traffic Safety Dashboard and the Interactive Portal.
Stay in touch: email or