Friends of the Solana Beach Library Accepting Scholarship Applications

The Friends of the Solana Beach Library are pleased to announce they will again be awarding a number of $1,000 scholarships for higher education this year to graduating high-school seniors, continuing students, or students returning to school after a gap. To qualify for a 2024 Friends Scholarship, an applicant must live within the city limits of Solana Beach.
Each scholarship is a one-time award to be used for education at a community college, a four-year college or university, a graduate/professional school or a technical/vocational/career school within the United States. The scholarship money may be used for tuition, books, fees, room and board or other related educational expenses.
In addition to living in Solana Beach, each applicant must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 or higher for the three most recent years for which a GPA is available. Consideration will be given to financial need, GPA, participation in extracurricular and community activities, awards and other recognition.
An application form for the 2024 Friends Scholarship (in PDF format for printing) and also a list of answers to frequently asked questions are available for downloading from the Friends website: Also, printed application forms and FAQs are available at the Solana Beach library “Title Wave” bookstore.
Students must complete and submit the application forms by April 30, 2024, along with an essay, a permission form and two letters of recommendation. More specific information on the application process is included in the scholarship application form.
The Friends of the Solana Beach Library encourage all eligible Solana Beach residents to apply.