Tips for a Clean Street Sweep!

Help keep our streets clean! Clean streets mean safer streets for bicyclists, pedestrians, cars and our environment!
Why is street sweeping important?
Street Sweeping is a City service that provides two primary benefits to the City.
The more obvious benefit is that street sweeping helps keep our community clean and safe by removing litter and debris from our streets. Paper, leaves, and other visible debris can collect in the gutters and block storm drains, causing localized flooding during heavy rains.
A more important, but less visible benefit is it protects our sensitive environment by removing metal particles and other hazardous waste products left by passing vehicles. Although they are virtually invisible, these particles can be extremely harmful to fish and other wildlife if they reach our creeks, rivers, lagoons, and beaches.
Street sweeping is an effective method of removing both the large and microscopic pollutants that collect on City streets and might otherwise clog storm drains or reach waterways.
Street Sweeping Schedule
All streets in the City are swept at least once a month and the major roads are swept more frequently. The City street sweeping schedule is divided into four districts, with each district swept every Tuesday of the month, excluding any 5th Tuesday of a month. The City's street sweeping schedule as follows:
- Northwest district (north of Lomas Santa Fe, west of 1-5) shall be swept on the first Tuesday of each month. This section includes an alley just west of Hwy 101 between Ocean and Cliff Streets.
- Southwest district (south of Lomas Santa Fe, west of 1-5) shall be swept on the second Tuesday of each month.
- Northeast district (north of Lomas Santa Fe, east of 1-5) shall be swept on the third Tuesday of each month.
- Southeast district (south of Lomas Santa Fe, east of 1-5) shall be swept on the fourth Tuesday of each month.
For more details on the City's street sweeping schedule and locations, please click here.
Tips for a clean sweep!
Residents can help the effectiveness of the street sweeper by doing the following on their scheduled sweeping days:
- Move your vehicle by 6:00 AM on sweep day. One parked car prevents about three car lengths of curb from being swept.
- Remove your trash, recycling and organics/green waste bins off of the street after they have been serviced. Trash service is not conducted on Tuesday’s to allow for the street sweeper to service the scheduled areas, so please do not place your containers out early if your trash service is on Wednesdays or leave out the next day if your trash service is on Mondays.
- Rake up leaves or remaining yard trimmings and throw them inside your Green Waste bin. Do not leave piles of yard waste on the street.
- Clear out all obstructions like basketball hoops off of the street.