Business Certificates

The City of Solana Beach welcomes you and your business. Our small town atmosphere encourages close and lasting relationships between companies and the community they serve, while the nearby large city life brings a constant flow of new customers to your door.

Business Certificates

All businesses with a home address, business address or conducting business in Solana Beach are required to obtain a business certificate issued by the City of Solana Beach. You can complete a business certificate application form online; however, all applications must be delivered to the City, as applications are not accepted via the Internet.

Please complete and return with application fee to: City of Solana Beach, 635 S. HWY 101, Solana Beach, CA 92075. For more information, please contact our Finance Dept. at (858) 720-2460.

Some types of business require additional regulatory permits and licenses to operate in Solana Beach. Visit our Code Compliance page for details.

Online Payments for Business Certificate Renewals

We are rolling out a pilot program for online renewal payments using debit or credit cards through eTrakit.

There is a 2.95% fee for credit/debit card payments.

  1. You will need to create a public account in order to access your records and make payments. Here is the link to create an account:
  2. After creating an account and logging in – select “Search Licenses” under Business Certificates on the left side of the page.
  3. Search for your Business Certificate using one of the search criteria listed in drop down, i.e. Search by LICENSE_NO, equals, search value would be BC-012345
  4. Click on the correct business certificate
  5. Review your Business Certificate information to ensure information is up to date
  6. Select Attachment – please upload signed renewal form
  7. Add to cart – this allows you to add multiple business certificates to your cart to check out at once, alternative option is to select Fees tab and select “Pay all fees” which takes you to the shopping cart
  8. Proceed to checkout
  9. Select Pay now
  10. This will take you to Paymentus to complete the payment information

City Staff will review the payment information and attachment when received. Once complete and fully processed, your 2025 business certificate will be emailed to you.

City Business Associations

Business Certificate Questions

Call Finance for billing and application submission questions (858) 720-2460

Call Planning for zoning questions (858) 720-2440

Call Code Enforcement for code compliance questions (858) 720-2403

Call Fire Inspector for fire inspection questions (858) 720-2415