Community Grant Program 2023

City of Solana Beach Community Grant Program 2023 Request for Financial Assistance
The City of Solana Beach is soliciting grant applications until 5:00 PM, Thursday, May 25, 2023. The City Council has a total of $35,000 available for community organizations. A maximum of two grant applications may be submitted per community organization. Grants will be awarded with a maximum award of $6,000.
Request for Grants are limited to non-governmental, nonprofit organizations serving the Solana Beach community. Excluded entities include the following: County of San Diego, Municipal Organizations, Special or Water Districts, school districts or schools (but not their supporting organizations), and private individuals.
Download Application Here View Guidelines Here
Grant Application & Documents Required
Applicants must complete the attached application form and provide the following documents:
- Summary of organization’s (overall) budget
- Proposed program budget detailing costs which are fair and reasonable.
- Financial Statements including the Balance Sheet and Revenue/Expenditure Statement, and the Tax Statements filed for the prior year.
- W-9 Form
- California Franchise Tax Board Entity Status Letter showing nonprofit status
- Non-Profit Organizations
Organizations which have filed as a nonprofit with the State of California must attach a copy of its current year 501(c)3 nonprofit certification form. Organizations that are “recognized” nonprofits within the community but have not formally filed with the State, will be considered at the City Council’s discretion. Note, any decision made by City Council is final in regards to the community grants process.
Program Requirements
- Must serve the residents of Solana Beach.
- Preferred to be a new program or one that provides a new or unique aspect to an existing program. Funds are available as one-time seed-money to augment a community program.
Application Submittal
Deadline: NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. Thursday, May 25, 2023
It is the City’s preference that completed forms be received via email to and copied to If email submission is not possible for an applicant, hard copies may be dropped off at City Hall 635 South Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA. 92075, Attn: Community Grants Program.
If you need additional information, please contact Dan King, Assistant City Manager, at or (858) 720-2477.
Selection Process
Applications will be judged and selected on the following criteria:
Preferences will be given towards non-profits that provide services/goods to Solana Beach groups or individuals with special economic needs that are not being met in the economic environment. These can be non-profits whose funding has been reduced or eliminated and are unable to serve these populations in need.
- Program costs that are fair and justifiable.
- Program originality (new and unique).
- Consideration may be given to applications that collaborate or partner with other organizations.
- Consideration may be given to applications which receive matching funds from other organizations.
- Consideration may be given to applications as decided by the City Council.
- Information provided on application will be used to review prior grant management and performance history. Significant non-compliance issues will be taken into consideration and may affect future funding decisions by the City Council.
Grant Award and Expenditures
The City Council, at its discretion, may modify the grant award to qualified recipients based on qualifying criteria, number of qualified applicants received, and purpose of request to meet areas as enumerated by the City Council that benefit the Solana Beach community. The total of all grant awards may not exceed $35,000.
Grants will be funded after the approval of the awards by the City Council. Expenses must be directly related to services or materials of proposed activity during the grant award period (Date of Grant Approval through May 31, 2024). Grantees will be required to maintain records to support claimed expenditures and project accomplishments. Funds for the proposed project must not be used to replace or offset funding sources normally available for any portion of the project, nor be used by the applicant to fund/supplement its own monetary giving.
Final Report and Receipts
The City Manager’s Office will review submitted copies of paid receipts/invoices and a written report to ensure that funds were spent in compliance with the approved application. Applicant(s) will be required to reimburse the City of Solana Beach all inappropriately spent funds.
April 27, 2023: Distribute Grant Program Application, have it available and solicit for applications.
May 25, 2023: DEADLINE for Request for Financial Assistance Applications (5:00pm).
The City Manager’s Office will review each application and make recommendations based upon:
- Completed application;
- Clear indication of the grant amount requested;
- Receipt of grant application before the deadline WITH attachments;
- Benefit to Solana Beach community and conformity with threshold criteria.
June 14, 2023: First Council Review.
All eligible grant applications for Fiscal Year 2023-24 will be considered by City Council. Review and public comment/presentations will be accepted.
June 28, 2023: Final Council Review
City Council makes decision and approves grant recipients. The City Manager will be directed to issue awards to recipients. Announcement of grant award recipients is made to community via public notification.
May 1, 2024: Letter will be sent to FY 2023-24 grant recipients reminding them to submit their reports and copies of receipts by May 31, 2024. (Exception to the May 31, 2024 completion date can be made with proof of good cause.)
May 31, 2024: All FY 2023-24 grant recipients must submit copies of paid receipts/invoices and written report, that includes the number of citizens served and outcome of grant funded activity. If no paid receipts/invoices are received, recipient will be required to immediately reimburse City of Solana Beach grant funds.
All grant recipients’ final reports will be submitted before the City Council for approval of expenditures. If determination is made that funds were expended inappropriately, Council will direct Grant recipients to reimburse the City of Solana Beach for the designated amount of award.