01/12/2022 - Closed City Council Meeting

Event Image
Date: Jan 12 , 2022
Time: 5:00 pm

Regularly scheduled meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays every month at 6:00 p.m. See posted Agendas for updates (Cancellations, Special Meetings)

Watch the meeting:

Broadcast live on cable TV Local Cable Broadcasts - Cox Communications (Channel 19) - Spectrum-Time Warner (Channel 24) or AT&T U-verse (Channel 99)

Webcast on the City’s website. You can watch the video live (only a 15 second delay).

Archived Online: Videos of City Council Mtgs are linked next to the Agenda/Action Agenda within 24 hours of the meeting time for ongoing reference.

Agenda Posting: To view the posted agenda for this meeting. Agendas are posted generally 1 week prior to the meeting date. If you would like to receive courtesy notifications, sign up for the City’s e-blast.

Public Input: For information on speaking at Council meetings or submitting materials prior to meetings. Council Meeting Information

Agenda or Action Agenda
Approved Minutes