Solana Beach Senior Center: March Events

Wednesday Program's and Lunch for March
Join us for great programs and a delicious meal each Wednesday in Debin Hall. Programs begin at 1130am, lunch is served at 12:15 pm. Lunch is $9* per person (or $10 for to-go meals). Reservations are needed one week in advance and can be made by calling 858-509-2587.
*Don't let finances keep you away! Special funds are available for you or someone you may know who needs assistance. Please call Cindy at 858-509-2587.
- March 6: Activity Directors of Greater San Diego Entertainment Gala. Note, that the Senior Center will not have regular Wednesday activities on this day, but you are welcome to join us for the Gala & Lunch! (*See details below) Menu: Chicken Salad Croissant
- March 13: Toastmasters’ Best Stories with Kaaren Henderson & Friends. Menu: BBQ Pulled Pork & all the fixings
- March 20: Celebrate St Patrick's Day and March Birthdays with Adrienne Nims and Mark Danisovszky. Menu: Corned Beef Feast
- March 27: CLOSED for Holy Week
*The Senior Center will host the ADGSD Entertainment Gala on March 6. You are welcome to come at your convenience and enjoy a variety of entertainers auditioning for an audience of Activity Directors. The event begins at 9 am and concludes by 3 pm. We will serve lunch (cost of $9) at 12:15 pm. Lunch reservations are required in advance - 858-509-2587.
AARP Tax-Aide available at SBPC
Under the auspices of the AARP Tax-Aide program, income tax assistance and tax form preparation for 2023 Federal and CA returns are being offered on Wednesdays, through April 10. This free service is available to low and middle-income taxpayers, with the primary focus being on those who are 60 and older.
Assistance is on a "first come, first serve, no appointment system" each Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm at the Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, Room 15. (Parking in lot #2 is easiest).
Memory Cafe
March 14 & 28
Get connected, make friends, and keep your brain active! Memory Cafe is sponsored by the George Glenner Family Centers and meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursday of the month from 10-11:30 am in the Ministry Center Hall. Parking is easiest in lot #3. There is no charge! Questions? Call Shannon at 619-616-7988.
Feeling Fit Club
Sue Grant continues to lead the Feeling Fit Club ONLINE VIA ZOOM on both Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30-9:30 am. The class is free and sponsored by San Diego County's Aging and Independent Services. To get connected, please contact Cathy at 858-342-9716.
Book Club
Meeting March 13 and April 10
Join this great group for an in-person discussion at 1:15 pm on Wednesday, March 13th in Room 16 (note the change of meeting space) and then on April 10th in Room 16. March's discussion is on Chasing History by Carl Bernstein. April's discussion is on Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult. To receive a print copy of the book, please call the Senior Center office at 858-509-2587.
Silver Age Yoga
Everyone is welcome for an hour of chair yoga in Room 16 each Friday at 11 am. Liz Young is a fantastic teacher and you'll love how you feel after the first class. There is no charge, however, donations to the nonprofit Silver Age Yoga are appreciated. Reservations are not necessary. Parking in lot #2 is easiest. No Yoga on 3/29. Closed for Good Friday.
Ginny's Sewing Fellowship
A lovely group of gals meets at 10 am on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday to stitch and chat. There are plenty of non-sewing tasks as well! They often bring lunch to extend their time of fellowship. Questions? Call Cindy or Elizabeth at 858-509-2587.
Music Appreciation
Our favorite Music Man, Randy Malin continues to provide interesting, educational, and entertaining music appreciation classes (complete with video presentations)...all via email. If you'd like to receive the Music Appreciation Concert Series in your inbox, please call 858-509-2587 to get connected.
Trips, Trips, Trips!
Senior Center March Trips:
- Sunday, March 17: Mira Costa Theatre Presents: Anything Goes
- Thursday, March 21: Join the Senior Center for shopping at the Carlsbad Outlet Mall, Flower Gazing at The Flower Fields, and lunch at Tip Top Market
To make reservations or get more info on these trips or any other activities, please call the Senior Center office at 858-509-2587 or check out the Encore newsletter in print or online: