Glencrest Drive Sidewalk Improvement Plans Going to City Council for Approval

The City of Solana Beach is moving forward with plans to improve pedestrian safety and walkability along Glencrest Drive!
The proposed design layout will be presented to City Council for approval at the upcoming Wednesday, February 26 meeting.
This project aims to enhance pedestrian safety and walkability in this commonly used route to connect to our local schools and shopping areas. The proposed design for this Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) project includes new concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks along both sides of Glencrest Drive from Lomas Santa Fe Drive to Dell Street. This project is considered a high priority in the City's Comprehensive Active Transportation Strategies and Safe Routes to School Program.
Residents are encouraged to share their input by submitting public comments in person at the meeting or providing a written comment in advance.
For more information on this project, please contact the Engineering Department at (858) 720-2470 or
How to Submit Public Comments
To provide written comment, please email the City Clerk at with the subject line: "Council Mtg 2-26-2025 Agenda Item C.1.".
- Written comments must be submitted by 4:00 PM on February 26th to be considered.
- Please note written comments will not be read aloud during the meeting but will be shared with the Council and added to the public record.
To speak during the meeting, please submit a speaker slip to the City Clerk before the meeting starts or before the relevant agenda item is announced.
- Each speaker is allotted 3 minutes per topic.
- Individuals can receive up to 6 minutes if time is donated by another attendee, or up to 10 minutes for group discussions.
For questions on how to submit a public comment, contact the City Clerk at