Age-Friendly Action Planning Sessions (Virtual English Session)

Are you a Solana Beach resident who is 50 years old, or older? If so, please consider participating in the second series of our Age-Friendly Community action discussions. The City has partnered with the Social Policy Institute of San Diego State University, San Diego Foundation, and AARP to engage the community in transformative change by developing an Age-Friendly Program that will help improve our community to be more livable for people of all ages, especially older adults.
Come learn about feedback provided thus far and help to create a vision, goals, and action steps for an age-friendly community for all. These Action Planning Sessions will be held in-person and virtually in English. A session will also be offered in-person in Spanish. Solana Beach residents and service providers are invited to attend any of the sessions to get updated on the Age-Friendly Solana Beach initiative and let us know your thoughts! Please RSVP to Brenda Bothel-Hammond at by October 21, 2022.
English Sessions (Virtual): Tuesday, October 25th, 3:00-4:30 PM, RSVP to receive a Zoom link
English Sessions (In-Person): Thursday, October 27th, 9:30-11:00 AM, at the Solana Beach Presbyterian Church, Hispanic Chapel, 120 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach 92075
Spanish Session (In-Person): Thursday, October 27th, 6:00-7:30 PM, at the La Colonia Community Center, 715 Valley Avenue, Solana Beach 92075
For more Information on Solana Beach's Age-Friendly Community, please visit the City's Age-Friendly Community website.