Solana Hills Trail Closure Starting late January

Starting Monday, January 31st, Caltrans and SANDAG Build NCC crews will close a portion of the Solana Hills Trail in the San Elijo Lagoon for grading and placement of decomposed granite surfacing. This construction work aims to increase active transportation opportunities within North County by providing clean and safe areas for people walking and biking. The $870 million Build NCC project includes $195 million in funding from Senate Bill 1 (SB 1) and $322 million in TransNet funding.
This portion of the trail will be closed starting Monday, January 31st. For your safety, please stay work zone alert and do not enter the active construction site. Construction activity on the highlighted portion of the trail is anticipated to be complete within one month. Please see the closure location on the map to the left.
*Please note, construction schedules are subject to change due to inclement weather including forecasted rain, fog, or cold temperatures.
Nearby residents and businesses can expect construction noise and lights, including OSHA required vehicle back-up alarms. Crews will work to minimize noise and impacts to all nearby communities.
To receive up-to-date notifications visit To receive construction updates by text message, text “BuildNCC” to (760) 454-0077. Thank you for your patience throughout construction!