The questions below are the ones most commonly asked of the Front Desk or City Clerk Department.

Can I attend a Council Committee or Citizen Commission meeting?

Yes, all publicly noticed meetings are open to the public. Please refer to the Public Meetings page for agendas and a schedule of meeting dates and times.  

How can I get public records?

You can get public records by submitting a records request form to the City Clerk's office.

How do I register to vote?

For the most up to date voting information visit the Registrar of Voters website.  You may also pick up a voter registration from the City Clerk office, DMV, Post Office or Library.

Where do I go to file a Fictitious Business Name?

The County Clerk/Recorder/Assessor is the office that processes Fictitious Business Names. They can be reached at (619) 237-0502 or online.

Where can I go to get a copy of a birth certificate, marriage license or death certificate?

The San Diego County Clerk/Recorder/Assessor is the office that maintains birth certificates, marriage licenses and death certificates. They can be reached at (619)237-0502 or Office of Vital Records and Statistics.