Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) is unused or leftover portions of products containing hazardous chemicals used around your household including your garden and vehicles for example. It is dangerous and illegal to discard HHW into the trash, storm drain, or down the sewer. To reduce the amount of HHW you generate, please buy only what you need and use it entirely. Choose less toxic alternatives and recyclables. Products labeled Caution, Warning, Danger, Poison, Toxic, Flammable or Corrosive are considered hazardous. HHW can create a tremendous detrimental effect on our delicate environment if it is not disposed of properly. 

Solana Beach residents can safely dispose of the following items by scheduling a pick-up by calling (858) 481-7233 or dropping off at a HHW Facility.

  • E-Waste
  • Batteries
  • Paint
  • Lamps with Fluorescent Tubes
  • Used Motor Oil and Filters
  • Pool Cleaners
  • Household Cleaners
  • Mercury Thermometers & Switches
  • Non-Empty Aerosol Cans
  • Automobile Fluids
  • Landscaping Chemicals
  • Novelties such as some singing greeting cards or flashing athletic shoes    
Where can I drop off my Household Hazardous Waste (HHW)?

There are two regional permanent collection facilities that are open every Saturday (except holiday weekends) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Residents can bring their HHW to these facilities free of charge (the City subsidizes the disposal cost). Proof of residency (formal I.D. or current utility bill) is required. Pick-ups or drop-offs are limited to 125 lbs of waste.

  1. The Vista facility is located at 1145 East Taylor Street at Laguna Lane.
  2. The Poway facility is located in the South Poway Business Park at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle at Stowe Drive. 

Solana Beach residents can safely dispose of the following items dropping off at one of these HHW Facilities.

  • E-Waste
  • Batteries
  • Paint
  • Lamps with Fluorescent Tubes
  • Used Motor Oil and Filters
  • Pool Cleaners
  • Household Cleaners
  • Mercury Thermometers
  • Mercury Switches
  • Non-Empty Aerosol Cans
  • Automobile Fluids
  • Landscaping Chemicals
  • Novelties such as some singing greeting cards or flashing athletic shoes    

Can someone pick up my HHW or E-Waste from my home?

Yes. A Door-to-Door (or home) HHW/E-Waste collection service is available to all Solana Beach residents. To set up an appointment, please call (858) 481-7233

Residents pay a $10.00 co-payment for the HHW pick-up service. There is no charge to qualifying homebound or senior residents (age 65 and over).  There is no charge for E-Waste pick-up service. 

Solana Beach residents can safely dispose of the following items by scheduling a pick-up.

  • E-Waste
  • Batteries
  • Paint
  • Lamps with Fluorescent Tubes
  • Used Motor Oil and Filters
  • Pool Cleaners
  • Household Cleaners
  • Mercury Thermometers & Switches
  • Non-Empty Aerosol Cans
  • Automobile Fluids
  • Landscaping Chemicals
  • Novelties such as some singing greeting cards or flashing athletic shoes    
How can I properly dispose of old batteries?

Not sure what to do with old batteries? Whatever you do, don’t toss them in the trash! Used batteries are hazardous waste, meaning they should NEVER go in your curbside trash, recycling, or organics carts. Improper disposal can cause leaks, contamination, or even dangerous fires in collection trucks and disposal facilities.

Residents have 3 options to properly dispose of old or used batteries:

1. Drop them off at the battery recycling bin located inside Solana Beach City Hall. The City Hall recycle bin accepts both regular (acid) batteries and rechargeable lithium-ion batteries. 

2. Drop them off at one of these HHW Facilities: 

  • The Vista facility is located at 1145 East Taylor Street at Laguna Lane.
  • The Poway facility is located in the South Poway Business Park at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle at Stowe Drive. 

3. Schedule a HHW pickup by calling (858) 481-7233. There is a $10.00 co-payment for the HHW pick-up service. There is no charge to qualifying homebound or senior residents (age 65 and over). 

Where can I drop off my Electronic Waste (E-Waste)
  1. Residents can recycle their computers and televisions (working or not) with Goodwill at local drop-off locations. Goodwill Industries accepts all computers, televisions and computer related equipment and electronics free of charge and provides a receipt for tax purposes. Check their website for drop-off locations convenient for you.  There are no drop-off locations within Solana Beach currently.
  2. There are two regional permanent collection facilities that are open every Saturday (except holiday weekends) from 9:00am to 3:00pm. Residents can bring their E-Waste to these facilities free of charge (the City subsidizes the disposal cost). Proof of residency (formal I.D. or current utility bill) is required. Pick-ups or drop-offs are limited to 125 lbs of waste.
    • The Vista facility is located at 1145 East Taylor Street at Laguna Lane.
    • The Poway facility is located in the South Poway Business Park at 12325 Crosthwaite Circle at Stowe Drive. 
What do I do with lightbulbs?

What is U-Waste? Also called "universal waste," this includes many hazardous waste items, including fluorescent lamps, cathode ray tubes, instruments that contain mercury, batteries, and others. 

Residents can call to schedule a pick-up or drop off at these HHW Facilities:

City of Vista Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
1145 E. Taylor Street
Vista, CA 92084

City of Poway’s Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility
12325 Crosthwaite Circle
Poway, CA 92064

Facilities are open Saturdays from 9am-3pm (no appointment required). 

Contact Us

To schedule a HHW or E-Waste pickup (858) 481-7233

Dan King, Assistant City Manager for questions regarding the program (858) 720-2477