Sheriff's Coffee with the Community

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Date: Oct 24 , 2022
Time: 8:00 am

Members of the community are welcome to join the North Coastal Sheriff’s Department on Monday, October 24th, from 8:00 to 9:00 AM, to discuss concerns over complimentary coffee at the Starbucks, located at 691 Lomas Santa Fe Drive. No speeches, no agenda, just casual conversation.

The Sheriff’s Department regularly host “Coffee with the Community” to give the public a chance to chat with the station’s command staff, deputies, Crime Prevention Specialists and Senior Volunteers in a casual setting to exchange ideas and concerns over a free cup of coffee.

Community outreach is a top priority of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department and members of the community should feel comfortable bringing problems related to safety and security to their staff. 

Educational resources on the following topics will be available: Suspicious Activity, Neighborhood Watch, Residential Security, Preventing Burglary, Identity Theft, Vehicle Theft, Crime Prevention Services and Personal Safety.

Come out and make a positive difference in your community!