City Council April 2024 Meetings Highlights

Date: May 01 , 2024
News & Announcements
Regular Meetings of the Solana Beach City Council are held at 6:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at City Hall, 635 S. Highway 101.
Agendas are posted online on the City Council Meetings page.
See Action Agenda for all items discussed at these meeting.
Watch the video of this meeting archived on the website.
The following are highlights of items at the April 2024 City Council Meetings.
- Awarded a Professional Services Agreement for citywide janitorial services to California Office Cleaning.
- Approved a Professional Services Agreement for as-needed citywide tree trimming and maintenance to West Coast Arborists.
- Set the Solid Waste Rate review public hearing for June 12, 2024.
- Approved a Professional Services Agreement for as needed city facility repairs to Lalley Construction.
- Awarded a construction contract for city facilities elevator modernization upgrades, monthly inspections, and as needed services to 24 Hour Elevator, Inc.
- Approved a Development Review Permit and Structure Development Permit application for a remodel and addition at 455 Glencrest Dr.
- Appointed Michelle Buchanan to the Climate Action Commission and Stan Bergum to the Parks & Recreation Commission.
- Approved revisions to the current Fiscal Year 2023 Adopted Budget.
- Adopted a notice of completion for work on the Fiscal Year 2022-23 Street Maintenance & Repair Project, Bid No. 2023-07
- Approved a Professional Services Agreement for security and alarm monitoring services with Rancho Santa Fe Security
- Approved a Professional Services Agreement for trash abatement, minor landscaping maintenance, and other duties as assigned in public areas with PRIDE Industries.
- Approved the list of streets scheduled for maintenance and repairs as part of the Fiscal Year 2023/24 Street Maintenance and Repairs Project.
- Awarded a construction contract for the construction of six ADA (Americans with Disability Act) pedestrian ramps at the intersections of Via Mil Cumbres/Cerro Largo and Cerro Largo/La Barranca to LC Paving & Sealing.
- Approved a Major Subdivision, Development Review Permit, and Structure Development Permit for 13 Residential Dwelling Units located at 718-732 Stevens Avenue.
- Discussed Public Right-of-Way Parkway Surface Alternatives and received direction on how space between the edge of pavement and the property line, also known as a parkway, should be improved when adjacent private development is proposed.